Why Is It Crucial To Intervene Early Regarding A Child’s Mental Health Issues?

Written By Tru Integrative Health & Wellness on October 3, 2018

Child and Adolescent Counseling Atlanta

Phycologists, psychiatrist, therapists, and people associated with treating mental health issues agree that early intervention and treatment is extremely crucial for a child. The problem is, in most of the cases, parents do not recognize the signs. As a result, it takes a lot longer for the child to get diagnosis and treatment. A large number of mental health issues faced by a child is due to stressors like bullying, peer pressure, unhappy home, abuse, complicated family dynamics, helicopter or negligent parenting, health issues, and so on. Most of the problems cropping up from such situations are treatable and curable too, but failure in the diagnosis and not going for Child and Adolescent Counseling will make these issues more complicated, life-long and sometimes incurable.

The Elements Of A Child’s Normal Life – Being the parent of a child if you are wondering whether you are doing the parenting thing right or not, then it is time to face the question head-on. Though a large number of problems your child may be having is because of school, pressure from other extra-curricular activities and other children, your role in the situation cannot be ignored. To ensure good mental health in your child, the following things are required:

  • Unconditional love and support from the family
  • A stable family dynamic
  • Self-confidence and high self-esteem
  • The opportunity of mingling with other children, playing and making friends
  • A secure and safe environment to live and grow into
  • Supportive, patient and encouraging teachers and caretakers
  • Appropriate guidance
  • Strong role models and clear paths to follow

The Early Signs – Absence of any or multiple of the above conditions will make the child vulnerable to mental health issues. The beginning will be in small things like:

  • A decline in performance in school or playground or both
  • Poor grades in spite of extra efforts
  • Refusal to go to school
  • Refusal to participate in regular activities
  • Worry and anxiety
  • Hyperactivity
  • Fidgeting
  • Unusual aggression
  • Persistent disobedience
  • Temper tantrums
  • Nightmares
  • Irritation, sadness

If left untreated, your child can grow up as a reclusive, shy, socially awkward, timid, unhappy individual with low to no amount of self-esteem. So, as a parent, if you notice these changes and take your child to a Child and Adolescent Counseling providing professional, a prompt diagnosis will happen. This will mean, your child won’t have to suffer in silence and with proper care and help, he/she will get better and bloom like the radiant person he/she is supposed to be. Hence, intervening early is crucial for fighting mental health issues in children.